Wednesday 2 April 2014

Operation: Dawnbreaker Questionnaire

Today, my  questionnaire was finished for our viewing. The  questionnaire will be given to the audience at the showing, allowing us to get the opinions of the viewers on the film. the questions are as follows:

      1. Did you enjoy the film?

      2. Did you find the CGI believable?

      3. Do you thing the music fitted with the film?

      4. Did you understand the story?

      5. Did you understand what genre the film is?

Friday 28 March 2014

Final Rendering

The last step of our film, rendering, has been a bit of an issue. From computer crashes to incorrect render times to wrong formats, the rendering has been one of the hardest editing challenges to over come as it has no other solution apart from to close the program down and start the render process again. This process can take anywhere from 4 to 9 hours for a single attempt. This was finally achieved through a trial and error system, and the final version took 8 hours to finish rendering! I am happy with the overall film, the music and effects fit with the story and, along with the dialogue, helps build suspense and testion. our green-screen worked well, even if a little ghosting is still present, that wouldn't be solvable without re-filming the entire film with different lighting, which at this stage would be impossible. Everything is now finished on the film, and only pre and post production tasks remain.

Monday 24 March 2014


In the filming stage of our film, we had to remove one of the group members due to lack of attendance. This caused us to change elements of our story, while trying to keep it fairly similar to the original, so that we would have to re-do as little of the coursework as possible. However, this came with a good point, as because we had to re-film all previous work, we could change the lighting to be more green-screen friendly and had enough costumes and props to go around everyone. We are done filming now, and I have finished chroma keying our shots and have added the CGI backgrounds and additions. Most of the sound has been added, and only a few sounds for the weapons are needed before final rendering

Friday 17 January 2014

Storyboards Part 1

Here, we have the first half of the storyboards. Due to lack of communication, I have only half of the storyboard images.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Another Film Update

This week, I finished my armour props. They were given a final coat of black spray paint, left to dry, and then dry-brushed to give them a worn look. I may add markings and blood, but for now I am happy with the result. The Helmets are done in their cardboard stage, and are going to be given about seven layers of paper mache. After that has dried, a layer of fiber glass will be applied. They will then be sprayed with the same black base coat as the body armour. After tat, they will have details applied, and then a dry-brushing of silver to bring out highlights and make them look damaged.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

A Film Update

CGI for the shots of the ship have been make, but not yet recorded. Models of the ships, the planet, stars, the sun and lens flares have all been made and rendered on the computer, ready for recording to be used in the film.

I have also started work on props, such as armour and weapons. The armour will be made of cardboard, with a paper mache overlay to provide a strengthening layer. it will then be spray painted. The weapons will be cheap store-bought toy guns, painted to look realistic.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

The Brief

The brief for this project is to produce a 2 minute scene (2:20 max) from our film. The scene cannot be solid dialogue, and must be to build suspense and an atmosphere.

A spaceship, lying dead in space, is transmitting a distress beacon, but isn't responding to any hail. A search party goes onboard, and finds a dead crew. Shortly after, they find the horrendous, Tyrant virus that killed the crew. They must overload the engines to destroy the ship, repair their own vessel and escape before the entire ship crumbles around them.
